Having to look for the great deal is exhausting but at the same time thrilling. This week I wanted to buy some soap but it was sold out in 5 shops that I visited. I have to be lucky or unlucky cause today while going to the shops I stepped on candy.
Fortunately it was a whine-gum and not chewing-gum that sticks as crazy. The thing is I walked in the store and I found out something was sticking on my shoe. Coincidentally there were two security men standing there. Seriously, at the time I am pissed. Like why me? I trow my garbage in the bin. And those two guys saw it happening and were kinda like yeah that happens. Should I just get it off or what. One of the security guards told me I could use the carpet to get rid of it. I think the person before me just did that. (cause why would it possibly stick on my shoe)
In my head I was thinking, I don't wish for it to happen to an other person. Like I got a tissue out of my bag and got the whine-gum off my shoe. Next thing was, where is the freaking waste bin. I asked the security guys and they were "incredible" stupid. They were like looking and suggested I look for it outside the shop.
Yeah not gonna happen. Near the entrance where it all happened there is a beauty corner and I thought I could find a bin to trow it away. Not. So at the cashier register they must have a waste bin but nobody was there and I tried looking for it until I saw a clerk in the shop doing nothing. I asked her to trow it away.
And at the same time there is a security guy not those two from before walking my way to check my suspicious behavior. Yeah, I would be suspicious too if I was him but I was just looking for a waste bin. I was surprised that the guards didn't know where the waste bin is. Cause knowing where everything is, is part of being a security guard.
A little bit pissed but still happy that it isn't chewing-gum I left the store to buy my necessities. This is just part of my crazy Saturday.
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