vrijdag 28 maart 2014

I'm lost for words

What I really find funny is that this morning I couldn't think of a subject to write about while yesterday I randomly started three new post. Isn't it funny that one day I am in such a great state and today I can't find a word.

So why not make a post about my blocked mind. I was sitting behind my desktop looking at the living room trying to find something that I can write about. Seriously everything that I have written about comes out of my daily life. The nicest thing is that I can always make pictures of it and show it. It's also the reason why a lot of my post are picture less. Cause in my mind it's always there.

The thing about minimalism is that it's not like that anymore. There will be a huge possibility that afterwards it's going to be replaced by something better. I have changed the purpose of multiple objects and still love to do that. I try finding different solution for new problems and solved problems.

And I even forgot why I am lost for words, isn't it just a temporary writers block, like everyone has that once. I am very happy that I could turn such a negative thought from not capable of thinking about a subject to this post. Cause if I change the perspective, I just wrote about something negative turned positive.

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