woensdag 12 maart 2014


I would never picture my home as serene but in fact it is. It's not totally dust free but the things are where they belong. It's so strange. A scenario that I couldn't have imaged two years ago. Okay my toaster should be in the box after today's breakfast but other than that I don't see anything out of place.

It's really strange cause after coming home, I thought I still have some chores to do but no. Other than cooking and cleaning the dishes I don't see any clutter to get rid of. It's kinda amazing. Just to sit back and relax. It's not that I never relax but in the living room there's always some clutter or distraction.

The vibe that I get from this room is almost the same as in my Treasure room. If I want I could just get my pillow and blanket and sleep in it. Cause there's nothing particular to distract me from falling to sleep.

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