woensdag 26 maart 2014

Justify my buyings

I like shopping as a recreation. I qualify shopping as going into a store. I am not obliged to buy, I like to find the difference in stores. But there are somethings I like to stock up and I have a few criteria that I follow.
* it won't go bad
* it won't take too much space
* it's on sale for more than 33% off
* it won't be replaceable with something else

There are just a few stuff that I can really stock up if I follow the list. Detergent, washing products and toilet paper. I have once calculated that a lot of money gets flush down the toilet and that's a waste. It's also one of the reason I never buy toilet paper for full retail price. Whenever there's a good deal I stock up.

Detergent is also one of the products I never buy full price, I always stock up when it's on sale. The thing with grown up people is that you never going to make a real mess compared when your little. So a little bit of detergent is enough to do the trick.

I don't buy vhs or cd's anymore. I used to have a stack of unopened vhs tape but I gave that away. The only thing I use now is the actually vhs as my monitor stand. The stack of empty cd's can still be used so that stays but I am not planning to buy any more of those.

As in food I always look at the expiration date and with cans I can never go wrong. But that's old news for a lot op people. I really liked canned fish from the Lidl only available in Germany, so whenever I know somebody is taking a trip, I ask nicely.

There are a lot of things in the house that's not actually brand new but never used. Like the battery for my watch or toy. But for your sake and for my own, lets not go down there. While stocking up has become a habit out of poverty it really makes me think about what I really need.

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