I think every woman has this problem, their bag. If it's a schoolbag or everyday bag, it's too heavy. A lot of people say that their bag is a reflection yourself. For fun I watched a few Youtube video's the "what's in my bag". TERRIBLE. That's the word that comes to mind. Carrying a bag of stuff with you all the time that you don't need.
I'll be honest, I don't use make up so I don't have a makeup bag that takes too much space. The only thing I take with me is a lipbalm, a eye-roll refresher thingy and cream for hands and face. Don't get me started with haircare. I only brush or comb my hair twice a day, in the morning and before going to bed. If I don't stay overnight somewhere I don't take my comb with me. What I do take with me are hair elastics cause when eating I like to indulge myself in the food and not caring about eating my own hair. The most common thing in the bag is a package of paper tissue and as any other blogger has, a notebook and pen.
All that stuff don't weight one kilogram. When I go shopping or spotting for great deals, I do take a bottle of water with me. I used to took the half liter bottle but I shifted to the 33 cl bottles for a good reason. The weight is almost cut in half and doesn't take much space in my bag. You already know the phrase 'going Dutch', well the thing is that in the majority of the places normal people visit, you have to pay for going to the toilet. So cutting down on water outdoors prevent my urge for spending €0,50 to visit the loo. And for stilling hunger or getting my sugar level up, I got an empty Sminth box and fill it with candy that I have at home. It's clean and easy, I don't have to buy that expensive single packet of candy outdoors and carry that with me.
The thing that takes so much space before I thought small. My wallet, that huge bulk that I carried with me. Shrunk into a handheld money pouch, big enough to put my ID, bank card and the customers card from the most frequented shops.
I used to put sanitory towel and tapmons in every bag because I never know when I or someone else needed it. Well, it's nice thinking that I can help another lady in distress when they forgot their stuff. But putting it in every bag that I have is a bit crazy. So I use those tin cases that they give as a promotion and put two sanitory towel in it. I only put the tin cases in my bag around the time I menstruate. And for those lady in distress, they have to learn to take care of themselves. A bit egoistic, I think it's pretty normal to take care of yourself.
The thing about women is, they tend to care about others and bringing a load of stuff for just in case. The thing about that is very noble but stupid. By doing that, others around you won't learn to be responsible for themselves and your body has to carry a load of excess stuff. It's really bad for your posture and your shoulders when you take so much with you.
So just stop, stop hurting yourself.
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