zaterdag 22 februari 2014

Asked for Direction

Don't you ever walked on the street and people ask you the way. Somehow when I asked around fam & friends they have been barely asked. I don't know why people would ask me. Am I unpurposely sending messages like "ask me, ask me". It's something I can't explain, why do they ask me?

Is it my face or my posture. Where do you look at a person when you need direction? How do you decide, I can ask that person. Cause mostly I ask the wrong person and mostly is almost every time. The responses range from: we're not from here to I don't understand.

Today there was a girl that was looking for a shop. She was already in the right street but couldn't find the location. She told me the name of the shop and it didn't ring a bell in my head. So I asked polite what kind of shop it is. Apparently she was looking for a hobby shop and then it hit me. A hobby shop nearby with a name that sound oddly familiar. It's in the same shopping mall I am walking to. So I gave her the directions towards the shop and kept walking. When I reached the mall I found out she was in the right place.

So can anyone enlighten me on my question:
How do you identify a person that knows the direction?

Cause it's been bugging me for ages. Why me. How do you select those people out in the crowd. I want to learn that too and use it while on vacation.

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