zondag 22 juni 2014

Rip Off

There are times when I decided on something, it didn't really work out or could be done in an other way. For example I wrote in the article 'I love pumps' that I want to have a commercial free bathroom by using pumps. But after thinking, I found an easier solution, rip it off.

A lot of bottles use plastic stickers. As you can see the bottle without the sticker fits perfectly in my concept of living. Less commercial and more peace in my living space. It's simply simplified and I still know that the bottle is my shampoo. Something so simple, just by ripping of three stickers.

It looks perfect in my bathroom and I am happy that I don't need to pour the contents into a different bottle. I always use just a bit of shampoo cause I know it contains a lot of chemicals that aren't great for my hear but dumping it away is just a waste. So I use just a little bit to get the grease out of my hair.

The nice thing about it is that I haven't bought shampoo in 4 years time. Okay, honestly when I was in Germany I stocked piled this product like about 20 bottles. I mean it was on sale and these products are always cheaper in Germany. And now I approximately use one to two bottle a year if I keep my hair short.

Before that I always let my hair grow past my shoulders. Now if it reaches my shoulders I cut it off. All those small thing has helped me in using less shampoo and maintaining beautiful hair.

The most important thing is that I enjoy my stripped bottle. So simple, yet beautiful.

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