woensdag 11 juni 2014

Having Impact

Few days ago something strange happened. My mom was mopping the floor and she wanted tot buy a mop. She mentioned it to me and I reacted  with 'don't you already have one?'

The thing with my mom is hoarding. She can't just throw it away and asked me to do it for her. Of course  I didn't just throw it away immediately but after using the mop one more time tot get the spider webs away from the high to reach places.

In the family I am the person that trows things away. But after a search in the garage I found two other mops, one had been used and the other even unwrapped. We discussed what kind she wanted next and that she has to use the others first before I buy a the new mop.

In away it's planning for a new item to take place in our home. Instead of one in, two out we are progressing with two out first before one in. Kind of funny that can happen too. In a way I am influencing those around me with clever tips and small adjustments.

She even asked when I am trowing my own stuff away, terrible isn't it?

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