woensdag 25 juni 2014

Bad Service

Yesterday, we went for diner to a restaurant. It's a bit different from the all-you-can-eat concept, there is no time limit. We started very slow cause the staff is slow with taking order papers. We spent more than half of the 150 minutes waiting. At one point our paper got lost and we found out because we have waited for over 20 minutes and saw our neighbors getting their plates one after another.

So I decided to walked towards the owner and told her that we didn't get our orders. She found it strange and went to check it for us. Nonetheless I wasn't pleased though I tried to keep friendly. My sister on the other hand was pissed because she loves to enjoy her food and waiting 20 minutes is not done. 

I agree with her and she can show her disappointment. It's good to let them know that their service is bad. But one thing I really dislike what she does is pointing fingers. She has the habit at pointing at people and that's not polite. I told her she should do something about it, cause people see her pointing and some will get defensive. Luckily, she understands but she doesn't like to be told.

The evening went okay but could be better. The service didn't help but we went away with a full tummy and the company was great. For all we know, this restaurant is scrapped of our list and we don't plan to visit it again. It's good we tried something new and know that this restaurant isn't a  place for us.

I tried to look at it from the sunny side, we have the knowledge that it's not our thing and rather spend our money at an other place. We even decided that next time we go to a restaurant we are familiar with. So in away we've learned to appreciate the places we already know.

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