woensdag 14 augustus 2013

Oh, I didn't do that!

Yesterday, I didn't post anything which isn't a crime but still. I already had an article ready but I was too damn lazy to transfer the pictures. I wasn't particularly busy or something. I just didn't feel like it. It's kinda funny cause I came up with an idea about an article about plastic cards and made an entry about it so my pc was running. And basically it doesn't take a minute to put my sd-card in and upload everything. So, why didn't I?

I didn't gave a reason on why I didn't post anything. I had the time, it's an easy task and still I didn't do it. But there is one thing I know. I won't give any excuses anymore. If I haven't done anything bad it's fine. 

There is always something we can use as an excuse. It's a choice to use it and make ourselves feel better. But in the end, we still need to finish the things we started. A small break isn't wrong. Sometimes you get new ideas while ironing like I did. 

So today I had to force myself to finish the business. Upload the pictures and add some comments. Yes, while feeling a little bad about myself. I repurpose another thing in the house. Sometimes the negative feeling of not doing anything pushes me in a creative, open minded direction. 

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