vrijdag 2 mei 2014

Scanning Receipts

I normally stack my receipts together for the guarantee. Although there is one problem with receipts its text is fading after awhile. Within a year the possibility of losing the text on the paper is huge. So I decided to do something against it. 

When the stack is small I made copies of it but after the amount grew I decided to use some technology. I don't have a fancy printer. Mine is an old HP PSC 1400 all-in-one printer from ages ago. It still works though and with a different software than HP it's running very smoothly. 

At first I used HP own software to scan and that was a hassle. So I did some research on it's software and decided to say goodbye to HP software. I am really happy to delete the whole HP software cause it took a huge part on my drive and I didn't use all the program's. The regular updates were also bogus and didn't do anything to help the old printer. 

I found my software online, FileCentre. I really love how easy it is. I installed the software and it works with my scanner. Scanning in searchable pdf is a huge plus. I can also use the software to put two pdf files together. Amazing and fast. 

So scanning receipts is something I do when I just bought a product with warranty. Especially electronics and household supplies. For instance if my water boiler broke within 2 year, I will go back to the store to get it repaired or get a new one. 

On the side note, my siblings just got a new hairdryer cause the other broke and I suggested to bring it back cause she didn't have that thing for two years. They couldn't find the receipt and needed to buy a new one. In that perspective I rather spend a little bit time to scan my receipt so I can use the warranty and don't need to spend money to buy a new product. 

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