donderdag 8 mei 2014

Wine & Dishes

Yesterday while dining I had the sudden urge to drink wine. So I pulled out a bottle and drunk. For those who didn't know I only do the dishes once a day, after diner. There is one thing that has never happens before and that's I getting drunk. At the most I get a little bit loose lips but never intoxicated. I know when to stop and I appreciate my brain, so I never drink too much.

I can never talk about having a hangover cause I never had one. Because when I drink, I become more alert of my environment and know what not to do. So after dining, I had another glass or two and put the bottle away and drank enough water just to make sure that my body doesn't has to deal with to much alcohol.

Being a little bit tipsy, I thought it wasn't really safe to do the dishes. So this morning I had to do yesterday and today's breakfast dishes. It's quite a lot more than usual. It made me think about the things we have in our cabins. We use so much cups and bowls, it's time to eliminate some of it.

It won't be appreciated by my mom cause she became a creature of convenience. It has been a result of collecting stuff and never getting rid of other things. Always having stuff around. How can something so ordinary like whine and dishes could define a new project.

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