zondag 6 april 2014

Thank You Letter

This blog has helped me a lot. Though there aren't a lot of people on my blog. I want to thank those who have read my experiences with minimalism. I started the blog to just write but looking back I found out that knowing somebody is reading it because of my typo's or grammar for whater reason. I kinda forced myself to declutter way more often in smaller batches so I could write about it.

The blog also became a bit like my diary. In my whole life I haven't filled out a whole diary. If I wrote all my post in it, it would be full in no time. So I am very happy about that too. Also I was able to pull through different projects because I made a commitment with those whom read it. I've told you I would turn my bedroom in a Treasure Room and I did because I know someday somebody would read it. It's also because of you guys that I am able to finish the html course. Just because I wrote about it. So it helped me to pull through some decisions I've made.

I am very gratefull for those who (un)willingly supported me in this way. Even if there is no specific reason for this thank you letter. I want to convey my sincere feelings to you. I hope that in the future this 'relationship' will continue.

Thank you all
Danke schöne
Hartelijke Dank
Merci Beaucoup
Arigato Gozaimasu
Xie Xie

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