zaterdag 26 april 2014

Slowing down

With all those changes around me and new projects I am a little bit more tired than usual. I pulled the brake on learning guitar for the moment but I still want to play songs before the year ends. I have the tendency to quit with some of my project like learning java but it still intrigues me so I can't.

But lets start with finding a great place to learn again. Cause in the summer the attic is like an oven so it's not a great study place. I think it's also the reason why I can't really concentrate for a long period like in the winter.

I think with a new place to study and some makeshift bag I am able to concentrate longer than I do now. But the attic is the place where all my stuff is and where I trow more away than any place. I think finding a place where I really am capable to learn takes priority for knowledge is power.

The power of knowing, like learning about minimalism has changed the quality of my life. Knowledge and learning goes hand in hand and therefor slowing down to find the perfect space to learn is worthwhile.

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