donderdag 24 april 2014

Minimalism & Lifestyle

Really less stuff in my room. I have to say that I may not have run through my stuff as frequently as I wish I would but I am getting there. Clothes that I never wear and outgrown are getting a new home in the donation box.

But really stuff and items are going slowly. I blame it on my organizing skills because there is nothing that is in the way in my current lifestyle. It takes courage and time to open a box and go through each item to decide to let it go. So if I am just stuck at this moment, it means I have to collect my courage and open the box and start giving away. 

But slowly through the house I am also minimizing our stuff. The leftover box for example is getting a beating every now and then. Stuff we have in different sizes are going too if we don't need it, I just donate it in a box. Recently, I also recycle milk package in a special container. 

Little by little am I not only minimizing our stuff but also changing our lifestyle. We recycle more and that changes our outlay at home. A flimsy plastic bag that contains all our plastic ranging from bottles to snack plastic to old containers.

Lately I may not have spent time in minimizing but I tried to change the recycle habit in our home. Every week a few extra stroll to the recycling bin for the milk package and really looking at my clothes I reduced the clutter in my closet.

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