maandag 29 januari 2018

Goodbye my dearest ASUS laptop

At the right moment that I am typing this post I am emptying my old laptop harddrive. My ASUS laptop has served me for 8 years and has been traveling with me to China, Korea and Hong Kong. The battery life was empty for almost 4 years so it became more of a desktop. But since I use my current laptop more often it's time to say goodbye to my Asus K52F. I am a proud owner when you where in my possession. You helped me typing great articles and rapports, your screen is bigger than the one I have now currently.

I have seen many movies with you. I will also miss your cd-drive even though in this time period not a lot of people care, I do heck that's why I still have a vcd-player. Even though it has been over 8 years I can see that I cherished you. The keyboard for example has been protected for years by a silicone cover which even my current laptop doesn't have. My current laptop doesn't even really qualify as a laptop. It's in between a laptop and a netbook. But I see that in the current years I have been using you less and less. It's not fair to compare you to a newer and faster processor. 

You have been a great laptop with a 15,6 inch screen and with a full keyboard with numbers that I needed to punch. I also learned a lot about computer with you and did the most amazing things. If I didn't had you, I wouldn't be able to fix our common desktop which had a virus. I upgraded you with extra 2GB-ram memory to keep you running faster. I had switched out the desktop hdd drive into a ssd with your help. You were always next to me to fix other appliance. Not my old cellphone HTC Wildfire or my tablet, it was my trusted laptop that didn't fail me. 

It pains me to ship you away to the electric graveyard so instead I am selling you to a recycle company that will reuse your parts. Thank you for being well made and so great!

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