zaterdag 6 januari 2018

Drowning in E-mails

The day before yesterday I was working behind my pc to clean up my emails. In total I had around 600 emails that hasn't been categorized and was in my primary and promotion inbox. Two years ago I was able to have a very clean inbox.

In the past two years I have subscribed on more than one newsletter and especially during the december months I added extra newsletters to get more discounts but going in the new year I unsubscribed from a lot of newsletters.

I went from 500 something to just 2 email in my inbox. The cleaning up went very fast within 3 hours I cleaned it up and also made more folders for the upcoming mails. I also organized all my mail in the folders and even deleted old mails that aren't necessarily anymore.

As I am a frequent user of the Google drive, I also uploaded all my invoices there so that I can always pull it up when necessarily. Even my drive had more folders added and a lot of receipts are renamed.
The receipts are kept for warranty for at least two years because consumer rights in the Netherlands are awesome and I used warranty when needed instead of buying something new.

Also the receipts are a guideline for myself to see how prices change so I also keep it after the warranty period. For example the last two years when the economy is not doing well I got products for better pricing than I can have at the moment. With only memory alone I could always have a wrong guess but with the receipts stored up in the cloud it's good to see the correct pricing.

Now two days after cleaning up my inbox remain clean and new incoming emails are dealt with and organized in the folders. No more messy inbox!

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