zondag 10 juni 2018


I wrote before how I am living with my siblings in a an apartment and that I cried after the first week I've really lived with them again. In these past 3 months a lot has changed. They went on holiday for a month. In that month I have made sure that the apartment is clean and I can at least open a window and blinds. Somehow they don't like to open the blinds and let sunlight and wind inside.

Begin May I made sure the toilet worked and that with even the smallest thing I see, like dripping water I called the person who installed it. That is finally done and now I can normally use the toilet again. During their holiday I also tried to apply a bird net but that failed. I am really afraid of hight so I only hanged one part of it.

It's been almost two weeks that they have been back and I am chasing the pigeons away every day. And last night my younger sibling bought a raven dummy to scare of the pigeons. I think she sees me chasing them everyday and she feels bad for me. Honestly, I don't really care for the reason. As long they take action to improve their living situation. They really didn't open the balcony door because of the pigeon poo and the pigeons.

During the hot days last week I felt crazy. I opened my window because I chase them away but I also bought a ventilator for myself for cooling if needed. So some action is better than no action.

Yeah, I really think I rubbed off on them, they still have a long way to go but at least they care about the pigeons disturbing our living area and action on it.

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