woensdag 4 april 2018

Less is more, again

How many times have I already use this sentence? I am referring to the title, too many times but so true. As you may have read my previous post my new adventure has already started. Last week I was crying during diner with mom. Now I am continuously improving my quality of life at the apartment.

Within one week I decided to switch out the old unstable clothing closet and bought a new plastic one. My first thought was to not buy the smaller one but then I thought of the empty space it created and the anxiety of the old one falling. So now a side by side comparison. Everything that was on or in the old one fits in the smaller one. No need to waste extra square meters just because I can. Also the cleaning with the new one is way easier.

Sure my basket may not fi in it but I will find another way to use it. I may even want to buy another set to attached to it but only when the price is right. This time I used some shop points to get some discount.

What also plays a part is that I have become more selective in what I keep and discard. I throw away garbage much easier and sell stuff way faster. Minimalism has helped me in a way to be kinder to myself and get the value out of the things or occasions I want. Less is indeed more!

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