woensdag 3 augustus 2016

Sale again

Beginning this year I bought some stuff to add in my wardrobe but this time the sale was so good that I bought some extra stuff. I have bought a shirt with short sleeve for just €1,75 a sweater for €2,50 and a exercise pants for the same price. In total I paid just €6,75 I was even smiling when I was waiting to pay the stuff.

I have to say that this time I choose all the stuff that I don't have a duplicate in my existing wardrobe. Because of that I am very proud of myself. It's not always that easy to change or buy things I haven't tried before.

I don't expect to buy anything more but maybe this weekend when I go out for shopping I will find something suitable that I just can't let it hang. Okay, I didn't just went into the shop without research. I already knew what the prices are and what the highest discount would be and when I would definitely buy it. Weeks before all the stuff that I bought were already in sale but I found the discount not high enough and predicted that in two weeks the rest will be discounted even more.

So Sunday before doing the weekly groceries I went to check the store and found what I wanted to buy for the right price. I am so happy when I bought the shirt. Afterwards my family was already giving me orders to help search for the discounted clothing.

Sale makes me very happy especially when I can renew my wardrobe a bit and donate some stuff away cause the on-in-two-out rule that still exist under my roof is something I have to apply.

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