maandag 1 augustus 2016


When reading my own blog, I see how much I have evolved. It all started with the word minimalism, then the actions and naming it every time I do something. Now the procedures has been part of my life as if it's the most normal thing. I don't even think about the fact that it's minimalism. The first few post I wrote emphises a lot and made everything crystal clear.

Now I am thinking it's the most normal thing. That this kind of lifestyle suits me is something I didn't only choose but also put effort in changing my life. I started of by naming it, then learning it and then living it. A year ago I thought that I couldn't discard more things but now I am still giving things away and selling it.

When people think you can become a minimalist overnight, I would be very surprised and also admire that person. Because just parting with the stuff I have within a day would be so hard and I am also not emotional stable enough to do that. Of course I also would be very doubtful of the person could change so fast and later on buy things again, creating a jojo effect.

For all those that want to start: first read a lot about it. Decide for yourself if you want to live a life like minimalist. Start naming what minimalism is and what you're doing for yourself to change your environment and give your self a compliment at times and review back how it effect your daily life.

Don't let what others say, effect your decision too much but sometimes people around you may mention the changes you made. The most important thing is make it enjoyable for yourself. You don't need to show it off to much, your living room doesn't have to feel like a decor in a furniture shop but a little bit of trash is okay as long it still pleasant.

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