zondag 12 april 2015

Small shift in plans

I have been shifting my focus from minimalism into purchasing new furniture. The reason for it is simple; by spending less on product I have a bigger budget to buy something nice. I was moving stuff around the house and little by little it got less cluttered and I saved spaces.

Two weeks ago, I finally ditched all my reusable and recyclable stuff to the thrift/recycle shop. I had an old huge desk monitor laying around and don't forget my printer. And the one thing I forgot to recycle is our VHS player. So with the printer out of the way I wanted to clear away the green shoe box.

I placed it into the kitchen and put some shoe in it. We have a habit to take our shoes off right in the kitchen so it's an excellent idea to use put the object there. I had those really cheap clothing closet for dormitory that I don't use anymore. I got it out of the storage and put 4 wheels on it and used it for lightweight storage underneath the computer table. It looks really nice and it's very easy to clean that spot.

The process to a minimalism lifestyle still continues in my everyday life but because of the decluttering, less stuff and more space, I get the change to improve the layout of the house. It's nice and remarkable what I have achieved these past two years.

Like yesterday while switching my winter clothing I had freed myself from two undergarment that I don't use anymore. Today while ironing I also donated an old pants where some threads are coming loose. There aren't mayor things happening in my life but I think that's alright cause sometimes no news is good news.

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