donderdag 23 april 2015

Dumping places

Throughout the house I have spots where I gather trash. I use the plastic shopping bags for small sharp things or napkins used during the day. But for stuff I have dumping places where I just dump it until it got cluttered. I have those to trow huge things away in one time. For example I sit behind my desk and I find that holder not useful and there it goes in that one spot with more recycle items.

I do it so it doesn't take space in my living area. As a green person, I find recycling stuff very important that's why I don't just trow it in the trash bin. Giving stuff a second life is good for my karma and another person who use it means using less of the natural resources are all reasons to donate/recycle.

There is one spot in the attic just where there are books and stuff together ready to be donated. Last year I moved almost all my stuff into the attic and now I regularly go trough my stuff and lessen my belongings. I already set up a goal to reduce my bags last month and it works. I think that I will even lessen one box in the attic by going through things again. 

By doing that, I have less and less excuses not to trow away. I haven't used the spark of joy method for a lot of my stuff. Who knows it will works on my most beloved stuff. The other spot is in the kitchen where a lot of things goes for donation. Very easy but it looks very messy in no time. I don't know why but we easily donate things when it doesn't have a place where we store it. And if things are in the common spaces too long it becomes clutter and it easy to donate that. 

These dumping places look very huge but aren't spaces with activities that it bothers the family. I don't recommend anyone who lives small to do this, especially if you're the kind that goes through it and pick things from it to keep or indecisive persons. 

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