I don't watch conventional television anymore cause I don't like to pay for cable to watch commercials. That's why since 2014 I have a flatscreen television with HDMI connection I am so happy.
1. no commercials
2. I decide what to watch
3. I decide when to watch
4. no charge for cable
2015 on my birthday I bought the Chromecast 2 for the television. Before that I had the Tvpad 3 which was not supported anymore. I wanted to opt for a Tvpad4 but with the unreliable service I decided to buy a Chromecast and an app (tvcast app) to display it on the television. I must say I am very happy with it but I didn't have Korean or Japanese live stream anymore so I also bought the Unblock in 2016 and installed Kodi on it just recently. By having Kodi I can watch even movies from the cinema or old classics.
The monthly bill for direct phone line through IP-phone, internet and the called minutes is less than €33 each month. The folks I called most to is family and we are in a T-mobile group where we won't be charged any money for calls.
If you have any other good ideas to cut the cable, please let me know.
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