dinsdag 19 september 2017

Small chores around the house

For the longest time I haven't done anything about chores around the house but since I got the time in the weekends I started by going in the garage and decluttered worth of two trips with the car to the local waste site. But not until yesterday did I do something to make it more nicer in my own living situation.                                                                                                                                                         I finally used the ultra power product to clear the sink of soap residue and make the flow of the water go as it was when we moved in. The box was already collecting dust since it has been over 6 months standing at the stairs waiting to be used. So yesterday was the right day to do so. 

Also with some cleaning I like the room to smell very nice, so I burned some incense in this la fermiere yoghurt pot upcycled by using a wax candle old tin and just making the incense stand right up. All the smoked incense fall very neatly in it. 

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