dinsdag 6 juni 2017

Switching out my wallet

As you may know I have one small wallet and an additional cardholder for my most used card. Now I go from one to two but I still only take two pieces with me.

My to go wallet is still the one with the zipper. I still like to use cash instead of cards. I love it and am afraid when it will break but luckily I can still can replace it or let it be repaired when it's really necessarily.

My blue box uphold 12 cards which is great but it's a lot more bulky than the gold one. Sure the leather one also with a secrid knock-off is huge. I was thinking of buying a Secrid one but the price of this one was just to nice to pass on. The gold one cost 10 euro and the right one 15 euro. The leather finish from the Secrid is really nice.

I have now my regular wallet and the gold cardholder in my bag, which is great looking, light weight and taking less space. I freed one of my insides pocket.

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