woensdag 13 juli 2016

Bye Bye Stuff

Cute souvenirs are things I promised myself not to buy anymore. But as a teenager I bought countless useless stuff and see here the result. An Alton Tower key ring where the water is all evaporated. So goodbye cute but never used thing.

Clearing this emotional product is good. I used to think that I could save up all the key ring in the world. A whole collection that I hang up in my room. It was so cute but looking back at it, it was useless. My teenage mind wasn't logic enough to say 'no' to something so nice and small.

Even today I bought a phone holder for my phone that has offline maps. The old navigation that I use now is not up to date anymore and makes me crazy while driving.

First I decided to buy a new navigation but after a day I thought my windows phone has a incredible accurate navigation. So I tried it out and only bought a phone holder for €1,80. Perfectly, fine for a person who doesn't use the nav often.

With my freaking phone I am able to save on money that could be spent better for example the cost for the bachelorette party that I attended.

Minimalisme doesn't only makes me conscious about my past but it also sets abilities open which I never thought of.

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