zondag 1 mei 2016

Waking Up!

Yesterday, I got the gift for my old co-worker. We started chatting but both of us aren't paying a lot of attention to our mobiles all the time. So this morning after breakfast I was watching some telly with my mom and opened my wifi setting on my phone. She gave a replay yesterday late in the afternoon.

I saw her message and old foto's we made and asked how she is doing. At the time it was only still 10 minutes before 10 o'clock. The first thing she heard was my message on the app. I am already known for sleeping early and waking up early, I feel like an old lady even though my habits are healthy. She joked around about my timing.

I made fun of her too, it's Sunday to beautiful just to lay in your bed and doing nothing. To me waking up is nothing difficult but getting out bed is another story. I just woke someone up unintentionally. Oops!

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