woensdag 8 juli 2015

Finding things to part

Last post was about my new buy and today I am reporting what is leaving. I haven't been just sitting in my lazy chair. I cleaned out the pantry a little bit, the cabinets. I have next to my plastic bottle tree also a lot of other means to bring drinks with me. Though these two bottles are going in the donation box.

Even without these two I still have similar items in the cabinets. Next thing that went away was this miserable piece of chocolate. I love chocolate but this is not dark choco and I find it to sweet. I never took the effort to make hot choco so it went straight into the bin. I don't like to waste but this isn't something to keep.

I also got rid of some containers. There are some used for years in the kitchen and I think a replacement is in place. So recycling these containers is a happy thing to do. This one session in the kitchen made me clear much more stuff because I already knew that two items has to be discarded. In the end I part with much more than just two items.

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