donderdag 26 februari 2015

Sometimes it's just not worth it

In an other post I already explained how I use my skincare products. How I try to squeeze every little bit out of it. Even cutting open a tube or something, I thought I would never trow away a half full bottle cause one exception will lead to another. In the end it means the rule I set up to declutter will be undone.

However, last week I was sitting on the sofa and saw a new cup with things in it. Yes, my needles, a pass, pen and my hand cream. This particularly hand cream is a from a decent brand but I don't really like the texture and the feeling on my skin. I bought it when it was on sale (one for free), of course a travel size because I need to try it out first. I already used up the first one in two years the other was in my black box sitting and waiting. I used it even if it's not fantastic but for one reason it landed in the cup.

I was looking at it and thought, I am not going to use it. It's not a fantastic product and around the house there are bottles or tubes with better cream in it. This is not needed in my life and has no donation value so it went straight in the bin. I think as a minimalist I need to find the right product that matches my needs.

Things that are just sitting there aren't needed. That's why sometimes it's not worth hanging onto it. Being a minimalist doesn't mean I have to be frugal but I do have to think about the joy and needs that a products fulfill. Something I dislike won't be used and only takes up space. In the long term it would mean a whole room of small useless stuff.

The crucial moment is when your ready to pay for it. Think about your needs and if it fulfills a useful purpose. In those moment when you know it's just not worth it, you know what to do.

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