donderdag 26 februari 2015

Sometimes it's just not worth it

In an other post I already explained how I use my skincare products. How I try to squeeze every little bit out of it. Even cutting open a tube or something, I thought I would never trow away a half full bottle cause one exception will lead to another. In the end it means the rule I set up to declutter will be undone.

However, last week I was sitting on the sofa and saw a new cup with things in it. Yes, my needles, a pass, pen and my hand cream. This particularly hand cream is a from a decent brand but I don't really like the texture and the feeling on my skin. I bought it when it was on sale (one for free), of course a travel size because I need to try it out first. I already used up the first one in two years the other was in my black box sitting and waiting. I used it even if it's not fantastic but for one reason it landed in the cup.

I was looking at it and thought, I am not going to use it. It's not a fantastic product and around the house there are bottles or tubes with better cream in it. This is not needed in my life and has no donation value so it went straight in the bin. I think as a minimalist I need to find the right product that matches my needs.

Things that are just sitting there aren't needed. That's why sometimes it's not worth hanging onto it. Being a minimalist doesn't mean I have to be frugal but I do have to think about the joy and needs that a products fulfill. Something I dislike won't be used and only takes up space. In the long term it would mean a whole room of small useless stuff.

The crucial moment is when your ready to pay for it. Think about your needs and if it fulfills a useful purpose. In those moment when you know it's just not worth it, you know what to do.

woensdag 25 februari 2015

Just a little bit courage

I'm getting there, the ultimate dream of mine, a real minimalistic lifestyle. Though I haven't done anything special lately. There are a lot of things happening in my life right now and taking the time, sitting down and jotting things down hasn't been my primarily goal. Healthy issues, family and study were all part of it.

It has calmed down a bit, the flu season isn't passing by and I just recovered from it thus making me kinda vulnerable to get hooked again with the virus. Spring Festival is nearing it's end and with that I got some decorations up. Remember that I don't do decorations at Christmas or any other festivity. All thanks to my nephew I put some paper decoration.

I needed a different strategy in getting rid of stuff. Yesterday, after shopping for three hours I didn't buy anything non-edible. So there aren't really things that are getting in the house, at least not things I have bought. The habit of trowing a half full plastic bag is a no-no but not anymore. The faster I say goodbye to the things in it the faster I forget it and won't feel the pain.

Why am I telling you this, because in the near future, before March I am going to say goodbye to my stuffed dolls. Yes, the hell that any girl or woman has to do in her life. Saying farewell to my friends, companions known and treasured for years. It's time, I have mentally prepared myself for this horrible task but the time has come. I have to at least reduce it by 50%. I need a lot of time and courage.

I am afraid that after looking at those cute dolls I can't let go. The dolls aren't expensive but the emotional value is huge. There are crying dolls, cuddle dolls and conversational dolls. All of them have a special meaning and helped me through times when I was bullied. The time to say goodbye to my stuffed dolls will be needed.

donderdag 5 februari 2015


My god, it has been ages that I have written something. The last few weeks I have been busy with learning and I got sick for awhile. Not really things I want to share or find interesting. I have more things to think about in the past month.

Like what do I really want to do and what does the blog add up in my life. Does the things I do add anything special in my life. Those kind of questions has been playing around in my head. It took some thinking and doubting yet I am still not totally clear on what I want.

What I am sure about is that minimalism is still going to be a part of my life. I will continue the journey towards: less consuming, more thinking and better investments. The best thing with it means more awareness towards a greener life and a healthier lifestyle.

Of course all those world news in January hasn't gone past my attention either but sometimes it's good to stand still, think about it and live life.