donderdag 1 januari 2015

Ending with a positive note

It's nice to close the year with some tips & tricks that can be a benefit to anyone. The last ten days I was working hard towards a nice ending of the year. Okay, I started planning in November with my siblings. A lot of planning contains food and beverages. I rarely drink alcohol which means whenever I am outdoors I won't drink. I do occasionally drink wine only at home or at other peoples places where I can crash.

So for Christmas we planned to drink mojito but eventually, we drunk the bottle Baileys that I bought. Yup, each one of us bought a bottle of alcohol just for the holidays. So the last week of the year is when we consume the most alcohol in the whole year.

Besides that the last few days, the sales was starting early which means I had to get rid of things when I bought something new. I got this blue scarf in sale for 1,25 a color that I don't own yet. But it did mean something similar or in the clothing department has to go. I decided on my green scarf because it's starting to itch, the textile is something that ain't that smooth and a pair of old socks where the elasticity is gone. I think, I am going to use the socks to dust of my shelves.

Next thing is my day cream an empty bottle cut open just so I can use it for another day. You'd be surprised to know how much it still contains.

But the nicest thing is getting myself caught doing something wrong. Usually when supermarket have promotions where you have to collect stamps or stickers. I always start on top with one but I found out I have been doing it wrong. I should have started at the bottom numbered with 40. Then I don't have to count how many I still have to collect because it just visible.

Isn't it funny how happy I can be seeing myself doing something wrong and finding the right solution to the problem. It's good when we can reflect on our behavior and be proud on our findings.

I hope to see you next year and wish that all your new year resolution will come true!

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