dinsdag 4 november 2014

Logic Tricks

I know some people always loose the roll of trash bags but I never got that problem after putting the bags in the bin. The life-hacks videos on YouTube has helped me in that sense. Except I don't buy a roll of trash bags. But that made me think about that a lot of chores can be simplified logistically. Never look for something when you need it.

It's just like washing dishes. When I clean up the table, I make sure the tableware is stacked and has no food in it. Second of all, I am very grateful of my utensils in the kitchen a drying rack and a dripping container for cutlery. The sponges are in hand-sight and the dish soap is next to it. Because this chore is done daily everything that's needed is always there. 

But for those who just trow away trash once the sack is full it's totally different. I try to make living as simple and easy as possible. I love how it's done in my own daily life. I went from a huge pile of clothing to smaller piles that I really like. I have less stuff in my bedroom which helps with resting and the best thing is getting it clean in under 15 minutes. 

I think thinking logically like postponing a buy when needed or thinking more carefully helps in reducing clutter. Thanks to it my mom and I have bought less and spent less. We also try to look at thing from a different angle. My mother hasn't bought any clothing this last two months that aren't need. 

Try thinking differently and see what minimalism can be for you.

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