donderdag 9 oktober 2014

Reviewing Clothing

I don't like to iron my clothing but I still do it every time. It just looks nicer and a ironed and folded shirts looks way better than not ironed. Still, last two weeks I haven't pulled out the iron. Today, was just perfect. The sun is shining a bit and I just washed a new basket of clothing. Time to review my own clothing.

It wasn't much that I had to review just a few T-shirts and a pair of pants. I started of with looking at all my clothing and asked myself 'do I really need this?' To be fair, I didn't need everything but some casual clothing just are cozy enough and I want to keep it. Besides, yesterday I decided to donate my old winter coat. That is more than enough donation for this week.

The Netherlands isn't known for it's quality summer weather but I still like to own a few of T-shirt for when it's so hot and I need a new shirt every day. 2014 happened to be a hot summer season cause that did happened and on holiday I need more than just two.

What I did was cutting away all the labels in the clothing because it didn't help the ironing process and it always leave a mark when I iron on it. So cutting it all, it was an easy task. Reviewing the clothing made me again aware of what I own and what I don't really need.

In the meanwhile I was thinking about a too small undershirt that I can donate after washing it. It's all about the process and thinking about what I can do later. This reviewing made me open up my mind to do other things.

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