zaterdag 13 september 2014

Keys & Small Stuff

The list of belongings is getting shorter and shorter. The stuff I have in house is getting less by the day. It's not only because of the 1 in 2 out rule. I actively select my stuff and now I have those boxes with small stuff. I am gradually giving it away and donating it. The biggest obstacle isn't huge in size but small.

I really think that the small stuff are so incredible, it just fill up one box after another. So the trick is reducing it slowly. I have to sort it out and get rid of that I won't use. It's not my favorite thing to do but it's needed. 

Yesterday when I opened up the cabinet where the hifi-system is on, I found a box with keys. So many keys and all of them aren't named. The first I recognized is the key to my bike, I recognize the shape because I use it all the time. Next three identical keys were the front door key of our old home. I threw it away because I have one complete set of keys of the old house. 

Today I went into the garage and find the lock to which key it belong. Honestly, I hate my siblings for having two back up key but never putting it together on a key ring. I did that and in the end I threw half of the keys away. 

It's going slow but one step forward is better than one step backwards!

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