donderdag 28 november 2013

It's done

Yes, today I have bought a new product for my public transport card. I could have bought it online but going to a store and letting a person put it on is even better. I also tried to find new resources for making downloading just a little bit easier. Not there yet but soon. Still, I didn't do anything for my RFID protection map.

But on the bright side, I got a new item from the thrift shop actually mom bought it. So cleaning it up with soap and rinsing it took me a good half hour. When it's dry, it will be placed in my room and my hairdryer will be put in it.

Also calling all the folks I know for coupons. I love it, 50% reduction on coats and jackets from a certain store. My mom has her eyes set on a new coat. The funny thing is that I let her buy it on a condition that one old coat is going to be donated. Yes, minimalism is slowly infiltrating our home.

Like going shopping, I am also asking her do you really need it or is it going to sit on the counter and later in a box. On the other hand we do like to shop and are looking for nice cups for tea. Criteria for those are so funny. It has to be easy to wash, which means it can be long or too small. The ears must be big so that three fingers can fit easily. It can't be to heavy which means those heavy cheap stuff are excluded.

I once bought a real china in China. It was a white thin cup which fulfills all those criteria, it even has a lid. I bought it on a market in China for just 10RMB which at the time equals €1,- from a villager that made it. He used a small hammer and really hit it and it didn't break, the sound was also really clear. That is what I call quality, the cup is now in Hong Kong.

Finding a cup like that is going to be difficult and for that price. The Netherlands only import cheap china never quality stuff and if it's quality the price is absurd. When I buy china, I always fling on it with my fingers like a the villager with it's hammer. If the 'ting' sound is clear and sharp it's quality china.

Pardon me for going off topic but today was jus  awesome with the things I really want to be done. Calculating my fairs before buying products, calling my insurance and making sure to claim all that I can claim.

woensdag 27 november 2013

Not according to Planning

Yesterday before I slept, I made my to-do list for today. As the title may have enclosed the main content or even be a summary of my day. Nothing I've done today was according to the plan. I planned to get out of bed at 07:30 but instead I got out at 10 something. For those who care, I was awake at 07:30 but didn't get out of bed, instead I snoozed back into sleep which gave me a bad headache for the first two hours that I was awake.

After breakfast or is it brunch, I went to get my hair done. Washing my hair and blow dry it, in the mean time I was downloading my Tuesday series. After that I cleaned up my bed side table cause it needed to be done and yesterday while flossing my teeth I wrote that down too.

But the thing I couldn't cross of the list is making a usb-stick-NAS. Perhaps I should have read more into it before just putting it up on my list. It took me the whole afternoon and it's not even done yet. Tomorrow I have to finish it. The rfid-protection that I am planning to make for over a month is still not in process. Just now, while my laptop was starting up I have chosen the most adorable paper that is going to be in my wallet.

Today is just one of those days that nothing really works out. My schedule for tomorrow is also full as I see. Gotta work and work and even more work. We are nearing the end of the year which means a lot of paperwork has to be done. Comparing bills and changing providers and such is on my list.

There is just one thing I am really thrilled about, the sale in January. I even put up a post-it to remind me not to buy anything until 2014. From consuming less to nothing and then splurging on sale items. Of course I made a list. ;p

dinsdag 26 november 2013

Hidden Trash

Under the stairs is a small room, the pantry. It's used as a stocking place and not to forget as our shoe box. While there is a lot to get rid off, there is also a lot to keep. I started with the top shelf which is so small that it just fit a couple boxes of noodles and teabags. Another thing that is hidden, is stuff from ages ago

I started with removing shoe boxes and trowing shoes away. It's crazy, how many pair of shoes do you need. I eliminated the old shoes and other things like sandals. There is also old coasters that I am going to use, those that are used in bars and cafes. So after a few times I can dispose it. Yes another thing that can and will be in the trash.

The dry food is stored in boxes and placed on the shelves. The other thing is toilet paper which I have a lot. So I boxed that too and that's it. The pantry is now clean and clutter free.

zondag 10 november 2013

Feeling Bad

Yesterday I went out with family and there was 25% reduction on every item in the store. I bought a sweater, its really nice and I thought about it for one night. The day before I visit the store and saw that everything is 25% off. I had my eyes on two items in the basic collection. Most of the time those won't be on sale 'cause they are nicely priced but with the promotion they had, it just cost even less.So yesterday I pulled some family with me to see which one is better. Yes, I found two items and I just bought one of them. I tried them on and I decided to keep one.

And as a good minimalist does I need to find two items in my closet that I am going to donate. There is a knitted overall that just have been washed that is going to donation but that leaves another piece of clothing I have to get rid off. I thought about T-shirts but they are already in storage, it's a hassle to get them out. So I need to decide on what kinda clothing I am going to let go.

I really feel bad that I haven't found anything yet. There is already a coat that I put in the donation bag but that doesn't count. I am thinking of an old pants that I don't really wear accept at home or my ten year old shirt from a clothes company that doesn't exist anymore. I think the downside of having to remove things when I just had with the seasonal changes it's a bit difficult. Especially when I did donate summer clothing when performing the seasonal change in my closet.

So looking at my winter items, I just bought a new pair of gloves. So, I think I am going to donate my flimsy touchscreen gloves. Cause it's small and worn out. Wait a minute did I purchased a new item. I need to get rid of not two items but four. Know you understand why I feel bad. I still have to find two items to get rid of instead of one.

And I bought new insoles which means another thing that I have to trow away. And in one package there is two pairs so two things I have to find. So basically, this is the downside of being a minimalist. It really sounds great when I heard the rule: one in, two out. But it can also be a burden. Luckily I am replacing items which means for every new item, I have to find one other item to toss, except for the insoles.

So now you know this too:

With minimalism there are a lot of positive point but also negative!

zaterdag 9 november 2013


Do you know the moment when finding the perfect article online, you bookmark them. It's easy to bookmark for example in Google Chrome, I just click on the yellow star and its saved. Because of the simplicity and the several interest I have, there is a bunch of bookmarks in my browser.

In these rainy days it's best to find things to do inside so I cleaned up my browser. I start out with clicking on the bookmark bar, displayed every time I open a new tab. My desktop crashed a few times so there are just a few bookmarks to click on but my laptop was a real pain in the *ss.

I had so much maps and so much pages bookmarked. The map with hobbies referrals is so dear to me I couldn't delete any. The thing I could do was reorganize it cause sometimes I put it in the wrong folder. In the end I deleted 50% of my bookmarks cause the information was outdated or it was easy to find it when I need it.

Speaking of computers I had to scan my laptop for malware. For real, my desktop once crashed because of malware. Thank god, I was able to find a solution by using the anti-malware program on a usb-stick. So for all the folks out there: an antivirus isn't enough get an anti-malware software.

Yup, it was an electronic related day and with blogging and all it will be for many more times. But don't forget to unplug yourself from devices and enjoy the thing that are happening around you.

Have a nice weekend!

vrijdag 8 november 2013


When I looked into the household administration, I found that we use really old binder maps. Those are so big that the are laying instead of standing straight. On top of it were a lot of other papers without holes in it.

So time to change a bit to increase shelving space. I went to find myself binders that can be stored upright on the shelves. Found them in a bag and that was fantastic. Taking it downstairs and the transfer starts. Punching holes in pages and that is crazy.

Afterwards there was just so much space in it and I had to reorganize a bit. So the old maps went into the trash. And the old papers and envelops went into the paper bin. This small change of transferring paper into different binders was such a success.

It was again, a productive day!

dinsdag 5 november 2013


I love reading cause I can gain knowledge from this low consuming activity. Lately I am reading about energy and everyday things. There was a time that I love to read novels and detectives series. Right now I try to read books that can help me in everyday life.

There is a transition from fiction to non-fiction. I think the change came with wanting to know how to fix my laptop. When I checked my laptop the intern memory decreased from 4gb to 2gb. I tried to fix it with the least money spent. I had to search for an answer and I found it online. The great thing is with just €20,- I updated my laptop with a 4gb card, in total 6gb internal memory. If I didn't do research and fix it myself I would have probably payed double.

Now I read up on household tricks and tips from e-book. Inexpensive and good for the environment. I am planning to make Irish Coffee for the weekend and that's way I look for good recipes. Not only online but also in special books.

Reading is great and good for the mind!

maandag 4 november 2013


It's not a secret, I like to eat and when I eat, I eat a lot. But today is special cause I am baking it instead of buying. I like the fact that cakes are still warm when I eat it. It's just so much yummier right out of the oven. 

Call me an snack addict or whatever. There is just one rule I try to follow, no more than four and with cake it's perfect. The only thing I forgot is that I sifted the sugar out of it with a mesh strainer but it's still nice to eat. (Luckily I don't have a sweet tooth).I just made 10 small cakes my mom found it a little less. She wanted to have more but I just measured for half a cake. 

I didn't made any plans on cleaning up or something cause I had to wait for the plummer to replace my faucet. And the repairman fixed the doors in the house which is nice. Doors that easily close. Autumn is really the time of the year that I let others fix thing or think about these things. It's because of the cold air flowing in. In the summer it's great but when it's getting colder I want it to be fixed. 

I have to think what I want to do. The next thing on my list is how to let utorrent work for me. I want it to download automatically the things I watch. I don't want to spend time on searching and clicking anymore. I know I can let the program work for me instead the other way around. 

So I hope by tomorrow I know how to automatically download my favorite show. Cause less time spent on the pc means more quality time for me.

zondag 3 november 2013


The most difficult thing about cleaning up the house is, knowing what to keep. The number one problem that makes my home a storage box is hoarding. I have a hoarding habit which I am not proud of but it runs in the family.

When I was a little bit younger, I didn't had a lot of stuff. Crazy enough we had a lot of stuff in storage. Things we didn't use or whatever. There was just stuff useless stuff in the closet under the staircase. I have learned that it's a waste to trow things away. Guess, I didn't learn what donation was.

It wasn't until we moved to a smaller house that I really looked into what I own. A lot of paper graded, new or used. There was just so much stuff. When we moved I already threw out a lot of stuff. Most of it was pre-high school stuff. Dolls and toys went to donation.

But I did find good excuses to keep the stuff that I had. Like, I am going to use it later for that or that is what I need for something. Just a lot of excuses. What I basically do right now is to eliminate stuff when we buy or bring something new in the house.

Yesterday, my mother bought a garden scissors for cutting wood and twigs in her makeshift garden. When we're at home she basically threw the old one out. The funny thing was that she asked me if she could throw it in the bin. At the moment I was kinda shocked, why the hell did she asked me. It's her own scissors, I never use it. The reason is simple, she wanted to know if I could recycle it in a special bin like batteries and lamp bulbs. For those who didn't know, at the waste facility they use a strong magnet to fish the metal out that they can use for recycle.

It's strange that my mom's generation doesn't knows that. I try to apply logical thinking in those situation. Like with what can a waste facility make money off. Recycling old metal is a huge business for them. To me it's so normal, it goes without saying.

At my place there is a bit of change in mindset. Like I really wanna have new cups but unless the ones we have aren't ready for the trash I am not aloud to buy new ones. Crazy isn't it, my own rules works against me.

Even though the change is small, it's still a step forward. Being aware that we can recycle is important. Knowing that we can do and actually do something to help our environment is crucial in the life of this minimalist.

vrijdag 1 november 2013

Life after a little less stuff

It's strange how I see things right now. After intense decluttering with 7D10T and project Treasure, the environment I am living in is strange to describe. All I can say it's refreshing and it take less time to clean. As a practical person that I am, l love the fact that I don't spend much time on cleaning. 

What I tried to create in my bedroom is really a success. It's clutter free and a nice place to sleep in. The common places such as the living room and kitchen is so difficult to declutter. Places that I share does not only has to be great for me but also to those that use it. 

The changes that I made in the living room is the pan as a paper container. The blankets that we use while on the sofa watching telly are on the shelves. Just giving items a special place.

I do see myself creating things but also throwing away stuff. I try to put my preferences such as exercise in the spotlight. What I like with so much gone is I can put the things I like upfront. 

Shopping became a different experience. I don't like to get things anymore, I like to get great deals instead. I finally understand that only the basics matters. I don't need fancy stuff and I don't need to follow trends. Wait a minute, I never did. 

I do have to admit the first few days it was strange and bare. But after a while I got used to it. Less stuff is good, it means more space to live in. The next thing I am going to attack is the attic. I already declutter it a bit but it still has a lots point for improvement.