woensdag 30 oktober 2013

Making & Repurpose

I have been fidgeting about my yoga mat. As it just lays on my shelves, it takes a lot of place to store. The first problem is how I roll it up. Knowing if I roll it up with a lot of tension the ends will be curled. So searching on the net I found the perfect way to roll it. 

The next problem is how to store it. Eventually I saw on the net product they sell to hold the mat together. And that spiked up my interest in how it works. In an instance I picked up the hobby box from under  the desk and searched for a long broad bag strap that I kept. I figured that I could make my own and I did. It turned out better than imagined. Now I can take the mat outside if needed or hang it up to store it.  

Do you know those huge containers for liquid soap. I just emptied one and I had just an ingenious idea: salt spreader. I still have some salt for the winter in the garage. I do have a bucket for it but it's not easy to spread on the snow. So I am thinking in putting salt in the huge container. It's much easier to spread the salt, that way.

Today I finally got two old cellphones in an envelop to send it to recycle. Cause both of those phone are still in great condition I want to make sure it wont get ruined through the post. My solution is newspaper. I wrapped both phones with newspaper. It really protects it and will cushion the fall if the postman drops it. 

I got another pump soap container from my sister place and this time I am not sure what I should fill. Perhaps I'll just take out the pomp and use it on my rose water bottle. It's a great idea but I am not sure if it will fit. 

Today has been a very productive day for being green and minimalistic. Wish that everyday could be like that. Ideas coming from everywhere and nowhere.

dinsdag 29 oktober 2013

Plastic Bags

As I recently told, my city doesn't want stores to give free plastic bags anymore. So my stack of reserve bags is shrimping. I can't have that happening because I always use them as trash bin bag.

Now luckily there are still some stores which give free plastic bags. In Hong Kong where the free bag is banned by law (not in every situation) I had bought plastic bags to hold cold wet items. 

They also serve as pretty bag for gifts. Now I use it to store stuff that I have to give to my sisters. Everything in one place and easy for them to get. I also bought recycling bags a long time ago. Not for the purpose of being green but for not willing to advertise for companies.

I know that a lot of people don't reuse plastic bags like I do. But if nobody promotes it, it's a real waste. I remember the fact that when I was a kid, there were so many crafts possibilities with plastic bags. I could make a kite with it or a doll. If i am correct it can also be used to crochet a bag out of plastic bags. 

The thing is that we have to think outside of the box. I do agree on the fact that if you don't need a bag you can refuse it. Like consuming less is great for the environment but for some people like me it's not. 

There is also something like a plastic ball with plastic bags. In one supermarket I frequent they don't only have free new bags, they also have used bags left by others. Which means if you need a bag you can take a used one or a new one. The decision is yours and nobody will judge you. Thumbs up for those who put their excess plastic bags in it. 

There are endless ways to reuse but the only company that don't reuse their bags are those who put a price tag on it. Once I had to return an item to a store, when I returned it with the bag they trow the plastic bag away. And that happened in a store that is participating in the no free plastic bag. Talking about being a hypocrite.  

Enough of the negative thinking. What are you capable of doing with plastic bags?

maandag 28 oktober 2013

Treasure X

As you know I have put my bed back in my room. It is really strange to have it back. I can't reach my selves that easily anymore because it's blocking my way. I have to climb on my bed before I can pick my glasses. 

But the change didn't make my room anymore messier as before. I don't have my laundry bag in the room. Instead I tied a rope on a bucket and hanged it up above the staircase that leads to the attic. Also the one-day-set-cloths rule really helps in keeping the room neat. 

I do have to say that the bedside table is a bit challenging. One or two little thing more on it makes it look messy in an instance. Also the two free plastic container that I hid underneath it found a home in my bookshelves case. 

I can't think about any item that I would want to put in my bedroom right now. My room really became a treasure box. A place where I can sleep, read and spend some time on skincare.

Everyday I change, we change. With time there is a possibility that my preferences change and my treasures will be swept out. There is no such thing as a perfect room but a room that fulfills your needs perfectly does. 

zaterdag 26 oktober 2013

Treasure IX

Today I have put back my bed in the room. I have slept on just my mattress on top of the slatted frame. The moment I put it back in, the room feels so much smaller. A bed takes so much space. Beside the layout of my room isn't perfect either. The measurements have been ruined by the suction pipe. 

So now my room feels very full. But there is a chance that I will put the bed back in the attic. For now I try to sleep on the bed but it creaks when I move just a bit. It's kinda annoying. I'll see later in the week if I should undo the decision. 

I have finally reclaimed my bar stool in the attic. The printer is back in it place. I have given my blue box a home too. Now I am just left with stuff that I want to sell. 

It's a great day to end this week!

vrijdag 25 oktober 2013

Feng Shui II

As I have started to move the plants away from the center of the house. I did feel less tired but that can be working physically. Perhaps you know the example of fake medicine that makes you mentally stronger and just believing that makes you feel better. 

I did had a small argument cause my mom is so used to the plants in that place. But she doesn't get the same reaction as less tiredness. But two days doesn't represent anything so off to the next few days. 

Project Treasure is almost finished. To put back stuff in my room I plan to make some storage boxes. I have two large clear boxes that fits under my bed but it isn't good for Feng Shui and I don't want to move things when I vacuum my room. There is a lot of shelving space and that is what I want to use. My favorite books should be preserved too. I don't put my book in my bookcase cause the sun is able to shine on it and I don't want it do lose it's colors. 

It also means the all-in-printer can go back to the attic. And some other stuff can leave the house. But Project Treasure is something I look back with proud and good feeling. I think tomorrow I will write about the project cause these few days I haven't been able to work on it. 

The ideas are already in my head but it's time to realize them. Combining minimalism and Feng Shui is kinda difficult but manageable. 

woensdag 23 oktober 2013

Feng Shui

Few days ago I have watched a Taiwanese television program about Feng Shui. There were some interesting "facts". So after a episode or two, I found out that there was something wrong in the house. 

Feng Shui is all about placing the right item in the right place. Apparently we have put somethings in the wrong place. The people in our house are tired very easily. If it's right it's because we placed in the middle of our house plants. Plants are considered wood and wood in the middle in the house means tiredness. Those who read Chinese understand what I am talking about. 

Because I don't know if I should believe it. I'm going to experiment it on my mom. She didn't watched the episode and I put away the plants. In the next few days I'm going to observe if she gets easily tired, craving for a afternoon nap. If it does change, I'm going to make more changes around the house according to Feng Shui.

So how can this help me in minimalism, that was my question. Strangely my room is quite empty which should help me in getting better night rest. The fact remains that after a night of sleep I still feel tired. One of the reason I started with decluttering and all was because off my restless nights. 

As stated before Feng Shui is all about the right item in the right place. My approach on minimalism is also about giving items a home, it matches perfectly. 

dinsdag 22 oktober 2013

Take a Break

Thought I had posted an article yesterday, turned out I did write it but didn't post it. Today I am not able to work on the project because I am babysitting. I went to BB place and as usual he wanted to play. I had planned to watch my favorite American series on the big screen but he needed so much attention that it just didn't work out. 

Great thing about it is that I could see his mommy clean the apartment. It was just so much fun watching her clean the floor with a vacuum cleaner while they don't even have carpet. She could just swiped it with a duster/swiffer alike product. She eventually did that and was finished faster. 

So depending on the floor I always use different products to clean it. She never learned that cause she has a habit of not cleaning or cooking. Everybody in my family is capable of repairing a flat tire except her. Which resulted in her having two bicycles.

It's really nice to spend time with a person who can't talk back but will listen to me. It doesn't mean I would like to babysit again. Such a small baby takes so much energy to take care off. I was drained when I finally reached home. 

Tomorrow is a new day with new opportunities and hopefully I am able to fill my Treasure Room.  

Treasure VIII

Sometimes I think, I've finished a job well but in the end there are still some loose ends to tie. For example today while ironing my clothes and emptying the basket I found some summer clothes. If you have read my entry on 'Seasonal Changes' you know I had just reorganized my closet. 

I didn't consider that there were still clothes in the laundry. As I have made a point in keeping only one set of day clothes in my room I thought all my other clothes was in the attic. Guess what, I was wrong. 

This did keep me just a little bit sidetracked when I was in the attic. Nevertheless I did managed to find a solution to my origami. I used those beautiful transparent yogurt cups which were on sale last week and filled it up. Who said that useful stuff should cost a lot is wrong. Like ear sticks comes in those rectangular boxes, I use them endlessly. The boxes are really sh*t when it comes to holding ear sticks but I put post-it and tabs in it. It's easy to find cause it's transparent. 

In my room I added a purse. It's a bit childish but I find it funny and pretty. To fill the gap the TonyMoly left I added a Zwitsal cream in my skin routine. I'll also put the L'Oreal perfectslim in the room. I plan to use it in the morning because it has caffeine in it and I definitely want to sleep at night.

zondag 20 oktober 2013

My Weekend

As I have mentioned before I went to have lunch with family. It was really nice being together and having a fulfilling meal. We went to an all you can eat sushi restaurant and spent 2,5 hours sitting, eating, chatting and drinking. 

In another post I told that I don't like to eat out because the saltiness of the food. But with sushi the chef doesn't need to add salt to it. The warm dishes like tempura may have been fried but they always put paper napkins under to absorb the excess oil. But the sauce they use on the fried vegetables is always too salty. 

Before we went to stuff ourselves we went shopping, looking for baby outfits. Looking for gifts is a real job. And finally paying the items was kinda strange. Our city is trying to cut back on plastic bags. It revolves in: the customer has to pay for a clumsy and ugly plastic bag and also helping them advertise. At the cash register the cashier was really friendly in asking. I always bring my recyclable bag with me but it not always that clean. So I asked her if she could wrap it in gift paper or blotter. She eventually showed me a paper bag. Of course everything nowadays cost money so I asked her what it cost. Turns out it's free of charge. 
Another lesson learned in real life. Always ask whenever your not sure. I was really happy but my mother was even happier. Now she didn't need to buy or get a gift bag. 

Most of the supermarket deals always end on Saturday. It always revolves in I buying the product really last-minute. So after the lunch which ended around 14.40 I had to haste myself to the supermarket. Coming back home around 17.30 I was really tired. I hit the bed and fell asleep until one of my "sweet" siblings woke me up to find the nail clipper. Family, I love them but sometimes I just want to strangle some of them.

Weekends are really great to spend time with family and making last minute deals. I really dislike the fact I have to pay for plastic bags. I always use those shopping bags as garbage bags. I can not recall ever buying garbage bags cause we always use those shopping bags. We don't have a fancy litter bin but we use a pail those you can get free from any local take out restaurant. You just have to ask and clean the bucket or if your lucky they give you a clean one.

Ask things for free cause one can consider it as trash and will be glad to get rid of it. 

vrijdag 18 oktober 2013

Treasure VII

Don't know why but I'm never able to clean up or be productive in the morning. I'm like a mummy jumping out of bed. It results in me never being in the attic in the morning. Of course it's also cold and I try to avoid cold places.

As in adding stuff into my bedroom I have bought a rack for my shelve. My hairdryer used to have a round hole, so I could hang it up easily. But the rubber ring broke and it results in my dryer laying around. With the rack I'm basically saving shelves space because it hangs on the shelve and the dryer is laying in it. I love the local thrift shop!

I also bought a new yoga mat. My old one has holes in it and it's basically a camping mat. But I decided to put the yoga mat in my bedroom. The old one is still in the house and I will use it as a summer mat for in the garden. Yummy laying around in the sun, I already miss it. 

The TonyMoly cream is also finished and will be going to the recycle bin. The rest of my stuff like my closet is still in the attic. I am looking for a solution for the baby powder that I have. Now It's in an bottle of soda but it takes up to much space. I haven't found a solution to it and it is bothering me.

And in the weekend I am supposed to go out on a lunch with family that will be quite memorable. Apparently we are going to eat sushi which is fine by me. Afterwards we'll hit the shops and I am thrilled to see which kind of deals there are.

donderdag 17 oktober 2013

Seasonal Changes

When the temperature is starting to drop I noticed that my closet is in need of a seasonal change. All my winter clothes can be found in the attic and with the Project Treasure my closet is in the attic. It just can't be a coincidence, all my clothes in one place and the weather makes me feel it is autumn. (I prefer autumn instead of fall because I had been educated with British English instead of American English. Although in the present and in the future I'll mix it up.)

I gather all my T's and put them in my vacuum bag. And out of the bag I pull out all my  long sleeves. I genuinely love my sweaters and they are timeless. Most of the clothes I own are basics. I can combine and make different styles but I never do. (Remember I am a tomboy I don't put time in making myself pretty)

Even my socks needs to be switched out. I have walking socks those are really thick but comfy for the fall and winter. My summer shoes has to be cleaned up and are going back into the box and in the closet. It doesn't only saves shelves space but also less stuff to clean. I have more T-shirts than I can wear. Summers in the Netherlands are cool and short thus it leaves me with less occasions to wear them. 

The heating in the house works fine but I never turn up the temperature cause it cost money and a little bit cold is good for your body. People burn more fat when it's cold and it's natural to feel cold. Whenever my nephew is coming over we do heat up  the house cause the small baby is used to an average room temperature of 18 degree Celsius. I also heat the house up for showers. Don't think I am that stupid to leave myself vulnerable when I'm in my birthday suite.
So I change my closet when I can smell the autumn in the air. Basically all I do is change my clothes and that's it. Because of the seasonal change in clothes I always look for old clothes or things I don't wear to be discharge so as to say make room for new things. And having minimal stuff in the closet makes my closet look so much cleaner, organized and less stuffed. 

woensdag 16 oktober 2013

Treasure VI

The attic is becoming more clutter free as I have mentioned. I try to make the place as peaceful as my bedroom. My bedroom is currently quite empty and when I talk there is a echo just like in the bathroom. 

Nevertheless, I am putting stuff back one by one. Yesterday after the orange box I looked around in the boxes and on the shelves. I found a measuring tape which I got from downstairs. A massage magboy; it is a magnet which can rotate and I use it for massage. And last but not least a plastic hard case for my glasses. 

When I looked at the three items I knew immediately that the tape has to go back to the designed place. But I really had to think about the magboy because I don't use it frequently but I still like to have it within reach. So I settled with my bedside table and bed.

My extra hard case fit nicely into my 4 pocket organizer next to the door. Cause an extra hard case is always handy for unplanned trips. Thinking about each item like that does require a lot of time and energy. It isn't a task I prefer but it needs to be done.

I wish I could put everything back in my room but that won't help me in achieving a minimalism lifestyle. I want to own items that I will use and is needed.

Minimalism means making your own definition and boundaries.

dinsdag 15 oktober 2013

Treasure V

While cleaning the attic I saw there is always a orange square box with random stuff in it. There is a plastic bag with cords, Christmas lights, screws,  L-system shelves items, ventilator, inflatable bed with foot pomp and my xylophone. 

These are items that never had a designed place and probably will never get one. Starting with the plastic bag with cords. I have an designed place for cords, for computers and other electronic devices, right under the desktop in a blue box. So I know where that bag has to go. The Christmas lights is something which I will give away. I don't decorate the living room for Christmas or other occasions. All the holidays is about one thing: spending time with loved ones. 

The screws and the L-system shelves items doesn't belong in the attic but in the toolbox area. I have that  sorted a few weeks ago when I cleaned up the garage. The ventilator does belong in the attic cause in the summers it's hot upstairs so I need it there and putting it in the garage is such an hassle but after some consideration I put it back in the orange box. 

The inflatable bed with foot pomp belong together as a set. I always use them together. But my xylophone is a really cherished item. It's the musical instrument I learned to play at an age of 8 so I decided to keep it.

Most of the items in the orange box are misplaced items that already has a designated place. So all I have to do is put it in the right spot. Eventually there are just 4 items left in the box; the ventilator, inflatable bed, foot pomp and the xylophone. And I am on my way to a clutter free attic.

Minimalisme is about putting back the stuff where it belongs!

maandag 14 oktober 2013


It's almost that time of the year buying gift for those who are little. This year I became an aunt and my nephew who can't even talk to me will be receiving a gift. This gift has been chosen by his mommy and daddy but his aunties will be paying the present.

Okay everybody thinks its stupid to let another person choose the gift. A gift has to be a surprise. Think again, an item that is usable and wanted is better than a stupid surprise that isn't cherished. 

So after they search for it we handed them 2 coupon with each a €5,- reduction on a purchase of €25,- or above. So BB mommy said it was sad that she had to buy it herself while its a present for her child.

All I said, what is the difference with a gift card. You have to buy something in a specific store that somebody choose and you only got a certain amount of money you can spend. Sometimes it doesn't even cover half of the product you want. 

Eventually she couldn't give me any response to that. Because it's true she liked the toy and she wanted to buy it for the little boy. We even trow in the second coupon so she can buy another toy with reduction. 

All in all a present that is wanted is better than a stupid surprise where the item eventually will end up in the trash or on sale on ebay. 

Minimalism is thinking what value does it add to my life!

zondag 13 oktober 2013

Treasure IV

Last time in the same tread I had a treasure box with office supplies. I want to fill it and keep it under my bag box. The problem is that I still haven't done that because it's just half full or half empty. 

Now I even try to find new or almost brand new stuff to stuck it in. Basically it becomes my back up box. With office supplies and other things. I almost wanted to put my hobby stuff in it but after considering the possibilities what I would do when I can't find the stuff in the regular places, I didn't put it in the box.

At the time it was such a great idea but after thinking what would happen in the future I changed my mind. Not only do I have to think for the present (cleaning up things asap) but also at the future. Basically everybody will buy things if you think you don't have it or couldn't find it. That's why a designed place for items are so important. 

With that in mind I looked for other office supplies that I already organized such as plastic folders and L-maps. I'll put four of each in my drawer and the rest will go into the box. So I still have all the back ups office supplies in one place. 

Minimalism is not only thinking for the present but also for the future!

zaterdag 12 oktober 2013


Weet niet of iemand anders er ook mee zit. Lipenbalsem dat verloren gaat en na een tijdje weer opduikt. Ik raakte altijd deze dingen kwijt en omdat er altijd wel een nieuwe is aangeschaft blijft de oude lipenbalsm ongebruikt. 

Eigenlijk heb ik dat niet alleen bij lippenbalsems maar ook babyolie of tubes zalf. Voorheen zou ik het meestal weggooien maar nu heb ik een uitstekende manier gevonden om deze nog te gebruiken. 

Eens in de twee weken besteed ik aandacht aan mijn nagels. Vooral als ik aan mijn mobiel zit moet ik nogal korte nagels hebben. Het werkt makkelijker korter nagels en touchscreen. Tijdens de nagelverzorging probeer ik de nagelriemen terug te drukken met een cutticle pusher. Dit proces gaat moeilijk maar als ik hiervoor een lipenbalsemmasker erop doe wordt het na 10 min zo zacht dat het terugdrukken van de nagelriemen een eitje is. 

Olie wou ik ook bijna wegdoen maar eigenlijk kan ik het gebruiken voor het douchen. Een laagje olie op de huid zorgt ervoor dat tijdens het douchen mijn huid niet uitdroogt. Echt een goed idee die ik gisteren meteen uitprobeerde. Hoewel douchen goed voor persoonlijke hygiene is, is het niet zo goed voor de waterpeil in de huid. Dus bescherm jezelf met een beetje olie, het is te vergelijken met zonnebrandcreme tegen de zon. 

Tubeszalf die niet uitgedroogd zijn, gebruik ik voor eeltplekken of droge plekken. Eventjes een doekje omwikkelen en voila. Later op de dag zijn de droge plekjes verdwenen en de eeltkussentjes minder pijnlijk. 

Dus wees creatief en bedenk nieuwe toepassingen voordat je een product weggooit. Minimalisme betekent niet alleen minder kopen en meer wegdoen. Het betekent anders denken en spullen een ander doel toekennen.

Minimalisme stimuleert de brein!

vrijdag 11 oktober 2013

Treasure III

Now I got still a lot of stuff like papers and empty notebooks. So I put stuff that I don't use in a box upstairs. Knowing that I don't need to buy office supplies anymore. Not until the box is empty. So the box has stuff I will use. But it's a treasure box that doesn't belong in my bedroom. 

I have not cleaned up everything but it's a process that I think will be finished in two weeks. Things I have are getting an home. I really like that a lot of stuff that will be donated will be useful to others. I thrashed a lot of items that are absolute worthless.

But it doesn't matter anymore. Things gone means it's gone. The bedroom is a treasure I love and I don't want it disturbed by clutter. By eliminating the clutter before moving my stuff in the bedroom I create space.

Treasures are those thing close, near and used. But when it's gone u will miss it.  

donderdag 10 oktober 2013

Treasure II

Having spent a lot of time in the attic I have used my table lamp a little bit to much so the bulb died. Lucky I always stack the stuff away in the same place. So I don't need to search the house for a light bulb. Knowing the layout of the house and where to put things makes lives easier.

Back to my project, I have thrown away a plastic bag with diy stuff and papers. Honestly its going slow but I have put other items in their respectively homes. Like small change goes back into the piggy bank downstairs for groceries. Or used battery in a bag to trow it in a battery bin in the supermarket.

Alongside my treasured stuff there is also trash and  recyclable items. So separating it and doing something about is not only essential to me but also to the environment. It's always a thrill to trow bottles in the recycle bin. I can hear the glass scatter in it and it makes me feel good. Knowing that one small action can be so meaningful.

woensdag 9 oktober 2013

Treasure I

As my room is a empty treasure chest, I have started to fill it. Almost all my skincare products are in my room (excluding the backup). So only the thing I use right now. But I have decided that this month I will try to finish up my TonyMoly cream which I have longer than a year. 

My black table lamp is back in the room which is a huge contrast in my white room. My absolute favorite new hairdryer is also on the shelves. The pj's I am wearing is in the room with my morning coat. Really nothing much did I add in my room. 

But as I am filling my room, I am cleaning the attic too. Basically trashing some of the stuff I have and do not use. It's starting to look clean and organized. I think organizing and then decluttering helps me in seeing what I have and what I really need. 

Cause if everything is scattered around I'm not certain if I can trow it away. Now, trying to put everything away makes it much easier to trow things away. 

Minimalism all the way!

dinsdag 8 oktober 2013

Project Treasure

Last week my room got painted and I moved everything to the attic. Now my bedroom is so empty but I kinda like it. I only put back my bed, bookshelves and a small table. 

Now I leave everything in the attic. Only when I need things I go get it from upstairs and find a home in my room. So I am kinda making my bedroom a place for the things I need the most. All my little treasures. 

This doesn't only let me think about how I use my space but also making me see what I really need. Keeping my bedroom empty like it is now is a bit cold but eventually my bedroom becomes a chest full of treasure. 

maandag 7 oktober 2013


There are things in the world that doesn't wait. My choice of becoming a minimalist didn't wait because I was already in a process of becoming a minimalist. The strange thing that one thing leads to another. Like all things in life there is just one thing that doesn't wait: Time.

So being an minimalist doesn't require a list of just 100 items that I own. But time and energy to get rid of stuff. Decisions about keep or get rid off things made me look different at the things I have. I try to look for timeless pieces and memorable things to keep. 

For example I have folded a lot of paper cranes but I don't want to trow it away. It's such a waste. And there is nothing I can do about it right now. So I did decided to keep it. And yes origami is timeless. Paper folding is an ancient tradition in Asia.

So looking at my toothbrush which I should trow away months ago. I got an idea of throwing it in my bathroom basket and getting a new one from the stash. I know that toothbrushes are only meant to go along for just 3 months but I just get used to it. 

But over time I got to learn that it's just stuff. I can live without it or replace it with something I already have. Looking at the attic full of my stuff makes me want to trow away a lot of stuff. 

dinsdag 1 oktober 2013


Ik voelde het aankomen. Zondag begon mijn dag al heel lekker met veel keelpijn en hoofdpijn. Maar maandag was ik echt plat. Koorts en mijn botten voelde heel pijnlijk aan. Ziek was ik, zo ziek dat ik niet eens de pc wou aanzetten. 

Ik was net een kamerplantje, zelfs de afwas was te veel voor mij. Toch moest ik bewegen en het huis effe uit. De tuin was koud maar de zon in het gezicht was heerlijk. Terug binnen zat ik te rillen en de deken wikkelde ik snel om me. 

Echt ziek zijn als gisteren gebeurt niet vaak. Maar het is ook goed om eens echt goed ziek te zijn en goed uit te rusten. Mijn lichaam zendt signalen uit dat het bezig was om een oorlog te winnen. Ik zie namelijk het ziek zijn als mijn witte bloedcellen die de slechte bacteriën aanvallen. En door de frictie van de aanvallen wordt het in mijn lichaam warm en veroorzaakt dat koorts. 

Gelukkig duurde het maar één dag en nacht, 4 paracetamol en liters water. Nu ben ik grieperig maar voel mij stukken beter dan gisteren. Dus meteen ook actie ondernomen zoals de afwas doen die gisteren niet is gedaan. De was vouwen en in de kast stoppen. Soda in de kamer gestrooid om alle geurtjes op te nemen en later stofzuigen. 

Afstoffen en vuilnistasjes met snot in de kliko gooien zodat niemand anders besmet kan raken. Mijn dekens in de zon zetten om het te luchten. Alles om zo snel mogelijk beter te worden.